Archiving, Indexing, Preservation
Digital Preservation
PKP Preservation Network (PKP|PN): All journals published by OJN are electronically backup and preserved using the PKP Preservation Network (PKP|PN) a LOCKSS program. This LOCKSS program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content. We have registered all our journals in this prestigious service.
Digital preservation is a set of processes and activities that would ensure that all articles and documents published by OJN and its journals are automatically backed up, stored and distributed to ensure continued access of such articles on the event that an unforeseen accident occurs with OJN Servers.
Digital Repository
Zenodo Repository: All journals published by OJN are electronically deposited in Zenodo Repository. Zenodo Repository is an OpenAIRE project, developed in the vanguard of the open access and open data movements in Europe was commissioned by the EC to support their nascent Open Data policy by providing a catch-all repository for EC funded research. CERN, an OpenAIRE partner and pioneer in open source, open access and open data, provided this capability and Zenodo was launched in May 2013.
Open Journals Nigeria (OJN) do maintain a "Community" at Zenodo Repository. OJN authors are encouraged to deposit their articles in Zenodo Repository via the OJN Community.
*Moreover, all OJN journals encourage their authors to deposit any version of their work (Submitted, Accepted and/or Published version) in their institutional or any other repository of their choice to ensure maximum visibility.
Archiving and Indexing
In a similar vein, to ensure that all published articles in OJN gets maximum readership and visibility, the technical teams of the various journals have been tasked with the duty of ensuring proper indexing of the journals and their articles with world-renown indexing and archiving bodies. More details coming soon!