Open Journals Nigeria is currently ACCEPTING manuscript submissions for Publication. Click on Login to Submit                                                                                                                         Open Journals Nigeria is currently ACCEPTING manuscript submissions for Publication. Click on Login to Submit

Editorial Process

OJN Payment

The OJN Editorial Process is divided into 3 statges:

  • Article Submission - A general "Call for Papers" will be issued at the beginning of every new issue. All call for papers will be published on this website. Article submission will be treated strictly on a first-come-first-served basis. Only submitted articles complying with OJN Manuscript Format will be accepted and processed for review and publication. The non-compliant article(s) will be rejected. Manuscript submission will be from within the OJN Portal for Registered Users.
  • Article Review/Editorial Decision - Authors should be well notified that the Review process will be very rigorous and thorough. Authors must provide a working email for speedy communication. Delays in authors' correspondence will be penalized (such papers might be removed from the review/publication process completely). OJN operates a peer-reviewed process. Authors are banned from contacting Editors-in-Chief directly as concerns the review of their article(s). All correspondence as regards manuscript review MUST follow the laid down channel of communication. Authors are to track the status of their manuscript(s) from the OJN User Portal after login or they are to a send a mail to The Review Process is in 3-Stages. Stage-1: A preliminarily review - will be done to ascertain whether the manuscript(s) is fit for Main Review. This is conducted within two weeks of submission and the corresponding author will be notified appropriately. Some manuscripts might be disqualified at this stage. Stage-2: Main Review - this is the standard review process, it will be very rigorous and thorough with manuscripts moving back and forth severally until this stage is certified completed by all five (3) reviewers (Internal and External) responsible for the review of the article. Stage-3: Final Review - this will be done by the Editorial Board Members headed by the Chief Editor. At the tail end of this stage, the corresponding author will be notified of the Editorial Decision and Status of the Manuscript - Acceptance, Rejection or Recommendation for further work.
  • Article Publication - The publication process begins with Quality Assurance. All accepted manuscripts must be formatted by the author(s) to comply with the OJN Standard Manuscript Format. References/Citation/Bibliography must be in OJN approved format. Figures/Charts/Table must be well titled. Click Here to download OJN Manuscript Formatting Guide. A proof version of the accepted manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author for further corrections or approval before final publication. Authors should be mindful of their names, initials and affiliation. Corresponding authors should clearly indicate the Primary author and any other co-authors appropriately. OJN Publication is chiefly online. However, hardcopies will be printed for requesting authors at a cost. This cost is required for the raw materials needed for the printing of such hardcopy publication (Ink, Paper, Binding etc). A softcopy Certificate of Publication will be issued to requesting authors.

    NOTE to Authors:
    1. Only UNPUBLISHED and ORIGINAL articles should be submitted.
    2. OJN takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously. Therefore, only NON-PLAGIARISED articles should be submitted by authors. The OJN User Account of any author with two (2) manuscripts red-flagged for plagiarism within a Volume will be suspended, and such author will barred from submitting to OJN for the next two (2) Volumes.
    3. Authors must state clearly any Conflict of Interest.
    4. Articles under review by other journals should not submitted to Open Journals Nigeria and vice-versa.
    5. Submitted manuscripts must strictly comply with OJN Standard Manuscript Format
    6. As earlier stated, Corresponding author's unnecessary delays in communication is unacceptable.
    7. Authors are banned from contacting Editors-in-Chief directly as concerns the review of their article. Authors are to email the Manuscript Processing Unit using the Email: review[at] or track their manuscript(s) within the OJN Users Dashboard.
    8. Corresponding authors should be the Primary Author of the article. If otherwise, Corresponding Authors must present a signed approval from the Primary author together with the manuscript during submission